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How to remotely turnin an assignment via your account at CSE.UOI.GR

1. The turnin command

The turnin command allows students to electronically submit their laboratory exercises and assignments via their account at laboratory workstations of the Computer Science and Engineering Department.

1.1 Syntax

turnin <assignment>@<class> <files-and-directories>


 turnin  assignment1@myy502   demo1.c

When someone executes the turnin command, the files whose names are given as parameters, are submitted.

The most common class/course name formats are: myyXXX, myeXXX, plyXXX and pleXXX.

1.2 Important notes

  • Only relative paths are allowed to be given as parameters and
  • Paths should NOT begin with ../.

For example, the following commands are NOT valid:

turnin  assignment1@myy502   ../Desktop/demo1.c
turnin  assignment1@myy502   /usr/home/staff/guests/gzachos/demo1.c

2.1 Νetwork infrastructure

All undergraduate laboratory workstations located at PEP-I, PEP-II and PELS educational laboratories belong to Local Area Network (LAN). This means that all machines connected to it are assigned an IP address bewtween and

The LAN is a private network and cannot be directly accessed from a machine not belonging in it (i.e. your personal computer located at your home). For this reason, a gateway computer which allows accessing this network from the internet exists. That gateway computer is Scylla (

2.1 Laboratory workstations

Available hostnames:

  • opti7020wsXX , 01 ⇐ XX ⇐ 25
  • opti7010wsXX , 01 ⇐ XX ⇐ 03
  • hp6200wsXX , 01 ⇐ XX ⇐ 09
  • hp6000wsXX , 01 ⇐ XX ⇐ 28, excluding XX = {05, 08-11, 19, 26}
  • ultra20wsXX , XX = {10, 17-19, 23-29, 31-32, 38-39}

Important note: Workstations opti7020wsXX , 08 ⇐ XX ⇐ 13 are available 24/7/365. (Valid since March 1st, 2017)

2.2 Username convention

Undergraduate student accounts created after 2012-2013 accademic year are of the following form:

cseYXXXX where Y is the last digit of the enrollment year at CSED and XXXX is the unique 4-digit student ID.

Another common username form for older student accounts is:

csYYXXXX where YY is the last two digits of the enrollment year and XXXX is the unique 4-digit student ID.

3. Connecting to a laboratory machine

Scylla has a limited functionality and commands like turnin, vim etc. cannot be executed on it. For this reason, submitting an assignment requires connecting to a laboratory computer.

3.1 SSH

3.1.1 Syntax

 ssh   [<user>]@<server>



3.1.2 Example

Creating an SSH connection to opti7020ws02 requires:

  • Creating an SSH connection to Scylla and then
  • Creating an SSH connection to opti7020ws02

On a linux host open a terminal and run:

ssh -t 'ssh opti7020ws02'

On a windows host use an SSH client like PuTTY to establish a connection to Scylla and then run ssh opti7020ws02. For more help refer to:

Now that you are connected on opti7020ws02 you can turnin your assignment or do whatever you want.

4. Testing turnin

For testing purposes you can try submitting one or more files to assignment1@gzachos.


turnin  assignment1@gzachos  file.c  another-file.c

Important note: An instructor can override default turnin options and unexpected behaviors may be encountered while submitting an assignment. Some of the options available to an instructor is allowing or not the submission of binary files (i.e. PDF) or controlling the maximum number of turnins allowed.

5. Transferring files to your account

In case the files you want to submit are not located in your account at the CSE department, you have to transfer them in it.

On both a linux and a windows host you can use an SFTP client like Filezilla. For more help refer to:

Additionally, on a linux host you can use the sftp command.

5.1 SFTP

5.1.1 Syntax

 sftp   [<user>]@<server>



5.1.2 Example

gzachos@iris:~$ sftp
Connected to
sftp> pwd
Remote working directory: /usr/home/staff/guests/gzachos
sftp> lpwd
Local working directory: /home/gzachos
sftp> put ./Desktop/dlv1.c
Uploading dlv1.c to /usr/home/staff/guests/gzachos/dlv1.c                    100%  154     0.2KB/s   00:00
sftp> bye

The put command transfers ./Desktop/dlv1.c from my personal computer to my home directory

A command prefix l (lowercase L) stands for “local” and that command takes effect on local host (not remote - scylla).

Other useful commands: ls, lls, cd, lcd, get, rm, rmdir.

For more information visit: sftp(1) - Linux man page.

Using Filezilla

Download and install Filezilla.

Run Filezilla.

Complete the required fields (those inside the orange box) as shown in the picture below and press “Quickconnect” button.


In the left section of the program window (orange box), you can see which files exist on local host (i.e. home computer). Now you have to locate the files you want to transfer. (for faster results you can edit the path)


In the right section of the program window, you can see the files in your CSE department account. Choose the directory where you want the files to be saved after transfer (e.g. ~/Desktop).


Drag and drop the files from the source folder (left section) to the destination directory (right section).


Using PuTTY

Run PuTTY.

Complete the required fields (those inside the red boxes) like shown in the picture below, making sure the SSH option is selected. Press Open button at the bottom right of the window.


Enter your username & password and hit “Enter”. Note that you will get NO feedback while entering your password. In other words, you will not be able to see what characters you type or how many they are.


Now that you are logged in on Scylla, create an SSH connection to opti7020ws02 by running ssh opti7020ws02 and provide once again your username and password.

Once connected to opti7020ws02 you will see the prompt below:

Created by gzachos

cse/εργαστήρια/turnin.1574240284.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/20 10:58 by emav